German chart of accounts

Hello, I know Axelor was working on getting AOS in German, does anyone know if this is soon to be available and if this will include the template for german chart of accounts?



Look at this ticket

A sketch of a possible solution is to import the German Chart of Accounts
In Application config > Technical maintenance > Import

You can create an import with The CSV data mapping definitions witch are defined using XML syntax
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 <input file="account_account.csv" separator=";" type="com.axelor.apps.account.db.Account"
    search="self.importId = :importId"/>

  <input file="account_account.csv" separator=";" type="com.axelor.apps.account.db.Account"
    search="self.importId = :importId" update="true">
    <bind to="importId" column="importId"/>
    <bind to="parentAccount" search="self.code = :parent_code AND = 6"
      <bind to="code" column="parent_code"/>


If the CSV data files have identical columns with the field names of the target domain model class, it can be imported automatically with minimal configuration.

15001;"BA";;"Bilanz - Aktiva";"Asset";;6;;;;;0;1;
15002;"BP";;"Bilanz - Passiva";"Liability";;6;;;;;0;1;
15003;"GVA";;"Gewinn u. Verlust - Aufwendungen";"Expense";;6;;;;;0;1;
15004;"GVE";;"Gewinn u. Verlust - Erträge";"Revenue";;6;;;;;0;1;
15007;"K2BP";"BP";"Eingenkapital";"Owner's Equity";;6;;;;;0;1;
15009;"K4GVE";"GVE";"Betriebliche Erträge";"Revenue";;6;;;;;0;1;
15010;"K7GVE";"GVE";"Weitere Erträge";"Revenue";;6;;;;;0;1;
15011;"K5GVA";"GVA";"Betriebliche Aufwendungen";"Expense";;6;;;;;0;1;
15012;"K6GVA";8;"Betriebliche Aufwendungen";"Expense";;6;;;;;0;1;
15013;"K7GVA";"GVA";"Weitere Aufwendungen";"Expense";;6;;;;;2;1;
15014;"K9VKS";;"Vortrags- Kapital- und Statistische Konten";"Memo";;6;;;;;2;1;
15015;"K0BA1";"K0BA";"Ausstehende Einlagen auf das gezeichnete Kapital";"Asset";;6;;;;;2;1;

You get a chart of accounts that could look like this for the company myCompany_de (id = 6)

All that remains is to adjust the types, taxes, etc. specific to the German chart of accounts to make it work correctly.

Good luck !